Conference Venue: Giovanni Agnelli Lecture Hall, Polytechnic University of Turin, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Turin
Organized by QPP Seralmente in collaboration with M3B Lab of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Polytechnic University of Turin)
Participation Certificate: Issued upon request
Free admission, open to everyone, subject to seat availability
Reservation recommended

Catalina Oana Curceanu, born on November 2, 1965, in Brașov, is a Romanian physicist and principal researcher at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). She studied physics at the University of Bucharest and graduated as Valedictorian. She obtained her PhD from the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering. Curceanu is known for her research in low-energy quantum chromodynamics. She is involved in various scientific outreach and educational activities, has given lectures on quantum computers, and has won several awards for her research in quantum physics.
1989 – 1990: Researcher, Zero Power Nuclear Reactor, Pitesti, Romania.
1990 – 1996: Associate Researcher, staff-member position at IFIN-HH (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering) of the Institute of Atomic Physics in Bucharest, Romania, following a national competition.
1996 – 2003: Principal Researcher at IFIN – HH following a competition.
1992 – 1994: Researcher at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), with INFN funding for foreign researchers (FAI).
1994 – 1996: INFN Fellow, following a competition reserved for foreign citizens, with activities at LNF – INFN.
1996 – 2001: Fixed-term employment contract with INFN (Researcher, third professional level), former Art. 23, for experimental physics research activities at the Frascati National Laboratories.
November 15, 2001 – December 31, 2003: Contract for work under Articles 2222 and following of the Civil Procedure Code, within the framework of the DEAR experiment at the Frascati National Laboratories.
January 2, 2004 – December 31, 2005: Researcher, III professional level, with a permanent contract, at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN.
January 1, 2006 – present: Senior Researcher, at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN.

Dr. Marco Cavaglià
Dr. Marco Cavaglià is currently engaged as a Researcher in Industrial Bioengineering at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin (POLITO), dedicating his studies to innovative research on the state of consciousness, with a particular focus on general anesthesia as a research model. His current research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate brain functions, with a specific interest in the role of lipids in neuronal membranes and their impact on neural dynamics. This area of study promises to open new perspectives on neuroprotection, neuroplasticity, and neurodegenerative diseases. With a basic education in Medicine and Surgery obtained at the University of Turin, and a specialization in Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Dr. Cavaglià has consolidated his career through significant clinical and research experiences, including the direction of the pediatric cardio-surgical program at the Aldo Castaneda Institute in Switzerland. His academic path was enriched by a profound research experience at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the USA and by obtaining a Ph.D. from the University of Insubria in Varese. Beyond his research, Dr. Cavaglià serves as an Assistant Professor, actively contributing to teaching in the master courses of Rational Drug Design, covering functional chemistry topics, and in Biomechanical Design, focusing on cellular molecular physiology and an introduction to neuroscience. This blend of teaching and research highlights his commitment to educating the next generations of scientists and bioengineers, providing them with the skills to tackle future challenges in bioengineering and medicine. In his current role, Dr. Cavaglià actively engages in the university’s “third mission,” promoting scientific dissemination and public education through organizing conferences with the QPP Seralmente association. This commitment reflects his dedication not only to research and clinical practice but also to open dialogue with society, to share scientific discoveries and stimulate greater awareness of brain health.

Dr. Michele Caponigro
Dopo la Laurea in Fisica,
ha ottenuto un dottorato in Fisica,
un secondo in Epistemologia della Complessità
ed un terzo in Filosofia della Scienza.
La sua area di ricerca sono i Fondamenti della Meccanica Quantistica, le Interpretazioni della Meccanica Quantistica e la Filosofia della Fisica.
Fa parte del centro di ricerca dell’Università di Bergamo ISHTAR (Indeterminism in Sciences and Historico-philosophical, Transdisciplinary Advanced Research Center).
Dal 2012 si interessa di Divulgazione della Scienza al grande pubblico attraverso l’organizzazione di numerose conferenze interdisciplinari sulla ricerca d’avanguardia.